  • 2023 - A Snapshot

    NORSAR 2023

    Excellent teamwork gave results! Get an insight into our work in 2023: monitoring compliance with the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and innovative solutions for the benefit of Norwegian society and our clients worldwide.

  • The book about NORSAR is now available online!

    The book NORSAR and the Nuclear Test Ban

    “NORSAR and the Nuclear Test Ban” documents our over 50 years of efforts for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty – NORSAR contributed to the negotiations leading up to the Treaty and have been central in the development of the Treaty’s verification regime. The book was initially released in print format in early 2023 and is now available to everyone in a digital version!

  • NORSAR Celebrates Women and Girls in Science

    women norsar

    In 2024, despite progress, women are still underrepresented in the fields of science and technology. This International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we celebrate our female researchers at NORSAR!

  • Detecting Water Leaks with Fiber Technology

    water leak in pipe

    At NORSAR, we are continuously testing and developing technologies to utilize our expertise in vibration measurement and fiber optics for purposes of social benefit. Over the previous few years, we have investigated the possibility of using fiber optic sensing technology to detect water leaks in the pipeline network. The results are promising.

  • 2022 - A snapshot

    2022 A SNAPSHOT

    2022 was a good year for us at NORSAR. In this year's snapshot, you can read about our important work within the test ban treaty, fiber technology, safe and transparent storage of CO2 and our work on a safer society against natural hazards.

  • We celebrate #WomenInScience!

    group photo

    On 11 February, we celebrate the International Day for Women and Girls in Science. The aim is to increase the representation of women within scientific disciplines. Get to know some of our female colleagues!

  • Global DAS monitoring month February 2023


    The IRIS Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) Research Coordination Network (RCN) is coordinating a global measurement campaign of fibre systems in the period 1-28 February 2023.

  • MEDiate


    The Multi-hazard and Resilient-informed system for Enhanced Local and Regional Disaster risk management (MEDiate) project will contribute to enhanced assessment of disaster risks and to improved disaster risk management and governance.

  • NORSAR technology listed!

    Banner Wavetrain

    Today, the company Nordic Technology group (NTG) was listed on the stock exchange. This group includes Wavetrains Systems, which 12 years ago set itself the goal of making it safer to cross train tracks. Research and development from NORSAR has made this possible.

  • ENSURE: How to Ensure Safe Carbon Capture and Storage


    NORSAR will lead a newly funded research project on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). Together with partners, the project has been allocated funds from the Norwegian Research Council and will take us one step closer to safe storage of CO2.

  • The international day for women and girls in science!


    On the 11th of February, the UN celebrates the international day for women and girls in science! During the last decades, the global community have made a lot of effort to inspire women and girls in the field of science. However, women and girls continue to be excluded from participating to the fullest. 

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N-2007 Kjeller, Norway
MVA: 974374765

  • +47 63 80 59 00