  • International Day against Nuclear Tests


    Nuclear tests were carried out in large quantities between 1945 and 1996, and these tests have had severe consequences for humans, animals, and nature.

  • 51 years of the Non-Proliferation Treaty


    Today, 5 March, the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) entered into force 51 years ago. It opened for signature 1 July 1968 and entered into force 5 March 1970. The Treaty is described as the most important disarmament and arms control treaty of nuclear weapons.

  • #WomenInScience at NORSAR


    On 11 February, NORSAR celebrated the International Day for Women and Girls in Science: #WomenInScience. Throughout the week we interviewed some of our female colleagues.

  • Gjerdrum Landslide: Not triggered by earthquake

    Screenshot from interview with NRK 31.12.2020

    On December 30, a terrible landslide resulted in devastating casualties in Ask, Gjerdrum. Worried local citizens told the press about shakings they thought could be an earthquake before the landslide and contacted NORSAR. Based on our cooperation within Europe, we knew that quick clay could liquefy after earthquake although this has not been documented in Norway before.

  • TURNkey Newsletter: January 2022

    Banner january 2022

    In a new newsletter from January 2022, TURNkey presents results from Work Package 4 and Work Package 5 which have been completed. The demonstration of the TURNkey platform will be delivered shortly.

  • TURNkey: Newsletter October 2021

    Banner October

    TURNkey is an EU-funded project led by NORSAR where the overall goal is to connect theoretical systems and their practical use in Europe to improve seismic resistance before, during and after a harmful earthquake. After the summer of 2021, several activities have been completed.

  • Nytt jordskjelvsoneringskart for Norge


    Norge har fått et nytt og digitalt jordskjelvsoneringskart. Det betyr at utbyggere og storsamfunnet til sammen kan spare milliarder av kroner på store utbyggingsprosjekter i årene som kommer.

  • GoNorth!

    SPITS seismic station at Svalbard

    This is the name for a broad consortium of geoscience researchers investigating the arctic.

  • TURNkey


    NORSAR is leading a EU research and innovation project that is working towards more earthquake resilient societies. The TURNkey project is a 3-year project and is represented by a Consortium of 21 partners (universities, research institutes, SME’s, etc.) distributed across 10 European countries. TURNkey’s purpose is to develop a multi-sensor-based earthquake information system, facilitating Earthquake Forecasting and enabling Early Warning and Rapid Response actions.

  • CCS is gaining interest in Europe

    Liten CCS

    The 2021 climate summit in Glasgow is over. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is seen as a crucial solution in achieving the tightened climate goals in Europe. With the establishment of Langskip, the world is looking over at Norway. NORSAR will lead a prominent project on safe storage in collaboration with several international players.

  • #WomenInScience : Meet Seismologist Federica Ghione

    Day 2 of #WomenInScience – today you will meet Seismologist Federica Ghione from Italy. She holds a master’s degree in Applied Geological Sciences from the University of Pavia, Italy and is currently pursuing a PhD in Seismic Risk at the University of Oslo.

  • Fare for nye atomprøvesprengninger?

    Nuclear explosion

    Stadig flere stater gir atomvåpen en mer sentral rolle i forsvarsplanleggingen sin. De ruster opp, både kvalitativt – gjennom mer avanserte våpen, og kvantitativt – gjennom å skaffe seg flere kjernevåpen.

  • LØRN.TECH podcast om jordskjelv


    NORSARs Volker Oye har blitt intervjuet av Silvija Seres i podcasten LØRN.TECH. I podcasten forklarer Volker mer om hvordan NORSAR jobber med jordskjelvforskning og hva forskningen kan brukes til.

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